What we do
We Support Charities, We Ride, We Laugh, We Ride, We Commune , We Ride…

We ride weekly to various destinations mostly North and east of Pinellas but we can be seen in any part of the state, at any given time.
Charity Support
We support charities by participating in their organized rides, fundraising, poker runs. or final destination events. We will volunteer for a charity event, if approached.
Chapter Officers
We currently have 5 officers who serve on the chapter board. All positions are on a volunteer basis. These members saw gaps that needed to be filled in the chapter organization and they stepped up to fill them.
Diva Angel gear is available to members of good standing. Some of this gear will be sold online (coming soon) exclusively to members.

Mission Statement
To share in the love of motorcycling and develop a special bond and camaraderie that is solely unique to women. Assist in empowering and enabling other women to ride and help them experience the joy that biking brings. Promote safety and responsible riding and set a good example in the community. Help others who are less fortunate than ourselves through fundraising events. And never, ever forget the fact that WE ARE HERE TO HAVE FUN AND RIDE!
Diva Angels, Inc. is a 501c(7) not for profit organization of female motorcycle enthusiasts interested in riding together, camaraderie, doing good in the community and building strong friendships along the way. All makes and models of bikes along with all shapes and sizes of women are welcome!
Read these frequently asked questions before you join any riding organization. It will help alleviate surprises and frustration down the line and assist you in getting the most enjoyment out of your group.
Diva Angels, Inc. believes in communication and have available a combination of sources including direct phone numbers and e-mail addresses of officers, complete phone and e-mail list of all members at the local level, social media (FaceBook, Instagram, Meetup) a national web site with e-mail and phone contact information available, monthly meetings that are always open to all members as well as guests and regular activities that encourages group communication and sharing of ideas.
Communications the Herricane Chapter uses:
Democracy is the basis of our country and our society and it should also be something you look for in a group situation at both the local and national level. Yes, it is terrific when one person steps up to the plate, takes initiative and is inspirational but it takes the entire group to accomplish great achievements and effectively reach short and long term goals. Are important issues and decisions determined by the entire group membership or are all decisions made by one or two people? Does each member feel that their voices are being heard?
Diva Angels, Inc. encourages democracy whenever feasible and possible. Taking a vote on important issues is essential under our organization.
Albert Einstein had many great ideas but if we stopped with him we would not have the Internet, cell phones and other amazingly useful and “must have” items in our world right now. New ideas pop up each day and it is important that not only your local board of directors but the national directors and officers as well be receptive to member's ideas. Because as we know, that is where our future comes from. If there is a mindset of “THIS IS THE WAY IT IS NO MATTER WHAT” when it comes to group rules and ideas then they are missing out on a great opportunity for growth and improvement in the motorcycle culture.
Diva Angels, Inc. ABSOLUTELY encourages and welcomes new ideas. They are the groundwork for our future especially at this early stage in women's motorsports.
Statistics show that first impressions are made within the first 15 seconds of meeting someone and after that it is difficult to change even if that impression is incorrect. The same holds true in many other circumstances including attending group meetings. You can get an instant “feel” for the group usually after being there for just a short while and your mind is usually made up not long thereafter. It is important to attend a meeting first before you join. Go with your instincts… if it “feels good” run with it, if it “feels bad” run away from it.
Diva Angels, Inc. meetings at both the local and national levels are always open. Coming to a meeting first before joining is always recommended and encouraged and members and guests are welcome.
Get a list of past, present and future planned activities to see if they interest you. Also, when conducting fundraising events find out which charities they support and why. Find out if there are any activities at the national level to participate in as well for instance national conventions, meetings, etc.
We are always eager and receptive to new activity ideas and always looking for new ways to have fun together as well as raise money for worthy causes.

let's talk!
Let us know what you need to learn about our chapter!
…If you are local to Pinellas Florida, consider visiting our monthly meeting.
Or if you are not in the are of any local Diva Angel chapters, contact us below.